Feb 20, 2009

Alone !!

Sitting alone in my office working on my laptop I realise how lonely I am today. There is absolutely no one around me. Everyone is working from home due to one reason or the other. For me my dearies, this possibly is the most dreadful experience in life - when I do not have anyone around me. But, it is good as it made me realise one major change that had come inside me over the years. Situations in life have finally transformed me into a "People's Person" - someone who thrives on interactions with others.

(Sighs & puts on some music)Trrrrrrig! Trrrrrrring! the phone rings. One of my very old friends called up to catch up on time. I spend some 10 minutes on the phone yapping with the oldie frendie !! Went back to the good old school days. Oh! it was fun.

Coming back, Being a "People's person" is not quite easy. One really has to let go off ego, attitude and at times self-respect too. Its hard but not unachiveable. But, problem starts when this becomes your lifestyle. You spend hours helping people, trying to bring a smile on their faces, taking interest in their lives & emotions, trying to be the trusted one for the biggest secrets. But, deep down somewhere you yourself feel something is missing. A void that you never understand.

Today, sitting here in this lonely room I feel how no one is cared about me. The yapping web gossiper inside of me is silent and in malencholy trying to understand the strange ways of people!! (Sighs & starts working on Laptop) ....

Feb 11, 2009

Dev D - Emotional Atyaachar!!

Hey my coochie coo's ! I must tell you my personal views about the "Emotional Atyaachar" that I went thru while watching "Dev D" - so called modern devdas!! Huh ! Was he a devdas of any sort??

Full of ego, revenge, agression etc etc and blah blah ... It is all about lust my baby!! Honestly if you truely love someone, you wont brush her off the shoulder just like that. Chilhood frenship and no trust?? Seems pointlesss to meeee .....

Apna abhay has definitly done a cool job in the movie ... jst adore his acting skills. I always knew he was a good actor way back he started his career with "soocha na tha" ... His choice of movies is something I reaaaaaaaaly adore.

Now about the Emosnal Atyaachar (according to my firang maid its some kind of aachar / pickel :-P). Camera man has done a good job while shooting every scene. Honeslty, my applets (i.e. shorty of applez of my eyes) when you see the movie you would be reminded of various headlines over the years - DPS Case to be the most obvious one. Next comes the Nanda BMW case ... man how can you jst mix and match so much in one go ???? And then some touches of the older devdas (esp. the starting) .... phew! and the movie was made.

Second half of the movie was a total overdose I kept looking at my watch thinking - "Hey Bhagwaaan ye atyaachar band karo ab ... bahut hua wahi same galiyo mein ghoomna wahi daru aur wahi chanda .... ab toh kuch nya karo ...."

It is not emotional, not even a time pass but lays somewhere inbetween ... so go watch it but beware of the second half my dearieeeeeees........