Jun 16, 2009

Oh ! frisky ...

This one goes out to my darling doggie frisky - someone who can not be trained to live life sensibly (but that is what makes him so adorable too).

Meet frisky our 4 year old mixed breed, who changed my life ever since he joined our family. With him around you can never imagine what comes the very next moment.

After a long long day, I would generally want to go off to sleep but thanks to my best friend who is there to jump over my bed the moment I get into it. I get up trying to understand what happened and just when I am too tiered to even extend my hand to garb a pillow he would get one of his toys and would give one of those ever challenging looks as if too say - "Hey! have the guts to snatch this??"

Howsoever, hard I try to explain I am really tiered and definitely extremely sleepy. He would not stop jumping over my legs until I actually go through a marathon trying to get that toy from him. If I am able to take it from him quickly and go off to bed; the poor guys face would drop (as if saying "Oh! come on you cheater! Try another round and see me beat you !!)

Think of the devil and he appears .... !! No .. nah .. no frisky ... frisky stop ... damn it's the delete button of my laptop ..... no please dnt eat the alphabets on my keyboard ... you dumb dog!!

I'll catch you guyz soon .... first I have to catch hold of him !! ...