Mar 30, 2009

Want to be myself now !!

Life has been quite surprising lately. Things that I valued have changed and my priorities took a U-turn. A lot many times I am criticised for my bold outlook towards life. I would laugh, play, gossip and meet people which apparently is not what is expected out of a woman at my age. Hurts!! in fact a lot.

I have my own morals, my own beliefs and I want to live these. Not just blindly follow the rules society had created ages back due to some reasons that might not even exist now.

People call me immature, some say I have attitude, make me feel so trivial that sometimes all I think about is: "Why? Am I so bad?” I don’t get a reply because my mind is not in a state to decide rather it’s more under shock.

I want to live life on my own terms and till the time I am a major as per the constitution I have the right to live my life the way I want too. Then why all these names?? Why all that back biting? Why would someone say I pretend being nice while I am not?? Why should someone say I believe in dog fights when I don’t ??

I am not liable to answer everyone in the world. In fact I have the right to decide what I answer and what I don’t. Then why ask me for explanations always? Y not accept me as I am ... Good, Bad or Ugly ... it’s me!!

The burden of all these is so huge that it is resulting in physical manifestation of emotional dilemma...

Mar 7, 2009

Oh my birthday ..... !! :)

Kanta auntie from my neighbourhood has found this infamous blog of mine & has dialed 100 times in two days to tell that she is impatiently waiting for me to update it with the details of my birthday. Thankfully, she did not catch hold of my diary .... (has not been updated for several years now)

So, my dearies here I am back with the "Gup-Shup (Gossip) online" .... your only chance to peep into my life... so keep reading ... !!

God probably has given me one of the most decent gifts this birthday (i.e. the promotion). Yes, the applez of mah eyez .. I have got a promotion as of 01 March 2009. And this my dearies called for a dual celebration. What?? Did you ask about the first reason to celebrate ?? It was certainly my birthday on 03 March 2009. And since you asked I am very sure you forgot to wish me even ... now don't send me a belated wish for this year. I am already very upset with you ....... oh! ho not you .. you toh wished me on my birthday na?

Like every year, I took my yearly off to celebrate my birthday ... I along with my fiancee had decided to go to the amusement park. But, as always my fiancee got extremely busy in his highly confidential & urgent work. Not willing to spend the day at home I decided to go for a Swedish massage therapy (actually have been suffering from an hormonal disorder for over a month now) ... threw a lot of tantrums that made my kuchi koo fiancee rush to meet me ..... so we went to 32nd milestone for some Go-Carting, Air Rifle Shooting and bowling!

But even before it was half day ... I caught fever (sob! sob!) & we had to return home where I spent two days on bed recovering. Oh! What a boring thing to happen. So, I spent rest of the day thinking about my new achievement and how I am gonna work hard to face new challenges (jst love them) and responsibilities (cant live without them).

I have even prepared a long list of names I need to thank for my recent success and I am planning to bombard everyone in Office with this Oscar like speech very soon ...

And i thank my dog, my best friend , kanta aunt and everyone else reading this blog for their contributions towards making this blog so infamous that I could scribble every damn thing and just get away with it !!

hehehe ... time to catch some sleep ... now you stop reading and leave a comment!!